
A Blue Thread is a first-of-its-kind blog commenting on topics of interest to the Jewish community from a Karaite perspective. A Blue Thread leverages the resources of the entire Karaite Jewish community to become your go-to site to learn about Karaite Judaism, its rich culture and its contributions to Judaism as we understand it today.

For all Jews – secular or religious, Karaite or Rabbanite, male or female – we welcome you to the latest thread in the tapestry of Karaite Judaism.


[Comment Policy: I reserve the right to delete any and all comments inconsistent with the positive, welcoming and Jewish nature of the blog.]

9 responses to “About

  1. Bill

    Enjoy your site, very informative..

  2. I am blessed by your site. I would like to know more about you and your background. From the site, it sounds like you grew up in a Karaite home. For us that seek to follow YHVH without compromise it is refreshing to read your blog.

    Todah Rabah!

  3. lzbthcldwll

    I would like to see a blog entry on conversion, both from born Jews and from non-Jews to Karaite Judaism.


  4. Maurice.pessah


    Excellent work! Our community is very blessed to have someone with your
    dedication and knowledge.


    Maurice Pessah

  5. 119lightsmylife

    Before,coming to this site,I have been searching…I know now…been following the Torah…keeping Shabbat and trying to observe HIS mitsvots.We would really like to know more about “becoming a Karite” is it possible for a gentile to be a Karite ??

    • Hi, thank you for your note. Karaites are Jews, and Karaite Judaism is a type of Jewish movement (or as some would say Jewish “sect”). In my humble opinion, I do not believe it is proper for non-Jews to call themselves Karaites. If you are interested in living a Torah-observant lifestyle, there are many organizations that can help you. There are even organizations of non-Jews who wish to keep Torah. By all means, drop me a note if you have any questions. (Shawn@abluethread.com).

      • As a Jew who agrees with you that Karaites are Jews, I still have to note that it seems like the great majority of people who call themselves Karaites are Gentiles! I don’t really understand???

        • The “dry bones” of Ezekiel’s vision are, according to Orthodox Judaism, the children of Ephraim who died in battle because of their arrogance, leaving without provision and battling while hungry in Sefer HaYashar.
          If this were a prophecy, could there be people who had seemed to be dead (people who were dead in their arrogance at one time), who would be looking for (hungry for) the Torah to breathe life into them?
          If the patrilineal descent line were Torah-derived, and yet the last several hundred years have followed only a matrilineal descent line, where is the Torah-observant Israelite? Could there be Hebrews / Eberites (those who “crossed over”) who are now hungry to follow Torah?

    • As I can tell a Gentile is a Gentile and a Jew is a Jew but when a Gentile Converts he is no longer a Gentile but a Jew so the above stays true. It doesn’t matter what brand of Judaism you belong to you are separated from the nations as Jew but as a Gentile you are still part of the nations not bad or good but that is the way things are.

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